What is Project Scope Management?

To get to know about project scope management, we have to understand the concept of project scope first.

Project Scope refers to the detailed set of deliverable, functions and features of a certain project. These deliverable goods are better defined as the requirements of the project i.e. the work needed to be done in order to deliver a product, service, features or functions of the required set. The term management refers to the the defined accuracy of the certain project. The techniques present in project scope management are there to ensure that the project managers are successfully ensuring that the right amount of human resource is allocated to the right amount of work necessary.

Following three processes are involved in Project Scope Management:




In the first step, all the planning is being done to define the work needed to accomplish the project.

In the second step, the following measures are followed:

1. Start with documenting tracking.

2. Scope creep.

3. Tracking.

4. Disapproving/approving project changes.

The third process is closing which includes audit of the project to check and compare the outcomes with the actual plan made in the first step.

From processes, we’ll move on to the steps that are involved in the project scope management.

Steps Involved in the Project Scope Management:

Define Project Needs

Understand the Project Objectives

Define the Project Scope


Define Project Needs

The needs of the project are required to establish a project time-line, allocate project resources, and set project goals. Once these steps have been passed, only then the tasks can be allocated to the team according to the given time and budget.

Understand the Project Objectives

The objective of the project needs to be understood too, whether its a new product, creating a new service within the organisation, or developing a new piece of software. If the objective is not clear than the required tasks cannot be assigned to the working team.

Define the Project Scope

The effort and resources going down in order to accomplish a certain project are covered in the Project Scope.

Steps for defining a Project Scope

Project objectives







Once all the formalities are done, and analogies are being understood, we can move on to the final process done to complete the Project Scope Management.

1. Plan scope management:

2. Collect requirements:

3. Define scope:

4. Create Work Breakdown Structure: 

5. Validate scope:

6. Control scope:


1. Planning is aptly described in this article, now when we have planned everything, what comes next?

2. In this step, the needs of stakeholders from the project are documented and defined.

3. Scope is aptly described before in this blog too.

4. To achieve a better outcome, decomposition/breakdown of the processes is done so that the deliverable can be understood better.

5. The project is reviewed by the sponsor and stakeholders so that it is known that they are satisfied with the map provided to them.

6. The whole planned process is now controlled because ideal outcome is not possible but as near as the planned and derived outcome is desired.

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